Thursday, April 28, 2011

Walking Contradiction

Half of the time I see myself at UCLA if I get into their Library Science program, where I would have to own a car again and somehow afford simple living in a bigger and more expensive city.  The other half of the time I see myself at one of the smaller (west-coast only) schools that I am applying to for the same program in a place that is smaller and cleaner.  My realist side knows I want to live somewhere with a big yard and where I can bike year-round.  I did my undergrad in the middle of the ghetto (Olney) and moved to Northern Liberties before it was the "cool" place to be.  I think it is only natural that I crave nature and even isolation at times. But, I won't bike or let alone be outside for more than two minutes unless it is 60 plus degrees.  I will turn into an unapologetic raging bitch as a matter of fact, and I'm getting pissed off just thinking about it.  I lead a pretty simple lifestyle, with the exception of as many adventures I can afford and fit in, and don't give a shit about material things with the exception of books.  You can't put a price on peace of mind and putting an end to restlessness and even the warmth here isn't coming close to providing either.  

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